Thursday, April 12, 2007

Things tat i do when i get bored

Having started to cook for like one month +...dunno how many carrots kena cut or chop by me oredi...sien la..when it comes to preparation of ingredients...Well, one day..potluck dinner at 1114 (hy,yl and wq unit)...while preparing da of them is, i cut da carrot into like this ::

And i asked pp to gather all 3 'i Luv U' while having dinner later..if she did it...then i'll owe her a treat...hehe..u noe there were around 9ppl having dinner tat day...n pp frantically look for these 'i Luv U' carrots from da vege tat i cooked n aroused hy's curiosity.

hy: Sp, wat r u looking for??

Pp: No ar..ntg..juz wanna eat smtg..

hy: wat r u looking for act??tell me la..

Pp: (embarassed) ntg la ntg la..u makan la..
Still frantically looking for da carrot.

Her effort was nt the end she managed to get 2 pairs..n i accidentally makan 1 'luv' she would never get da perfect 3 treat for her..TOO BAD...LOL

Another thing tat we oways do is putting mask on our face when we r bored during da nite..lie there...n enjoy da thermal mud entering our tiny skin cell, nourishing it...still my face looks da same..=.=ll...sigh!!!!

sMilE :b

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