Monday, May 26, 2008


25/5/2008 marked the day which my RIGHT CLAVICLE fractured.
It happened when i was playing basketball in rec centre. When i was doing a lay up, trying to get the ball into the rim, someone from the back juz bumped me out of court (trying to block me). i was slammed to a wall n fell down on the wall..i was told that i was in the air when the GUY edinto me..So due to the huge impact, i totally lost head hit directly to the wall..n i think i used my right hand to cushion ended up like THIS..

After i fell down, someone from the rec centre staff called the ambulance...Wow ambulance!!! The 1st time i sat in it..It's not tat cool though..=.=ll..Kazu was kind enuf to accompany to the hospital...Thank you Kazu. So, i was sent to hospital in an ambulance. Meanwhile, Kazu helped me to inform pp who was busy doing her assignment..She quickly rushed to c me..THANK you PP..muakss.

In the emergency unit, i had my x-ray, tetanus injection, n pain relief pills..The X-ray confirmed i had a fractured right clavicle...quite shocked when the doc told me there was a fracture in my collar bone..At the moment, i was worried abt my studies, possibility of lifting my arms, how long does it need to heal..quite confused tat time..n kept throwing questions to the doc..The doc slowly explained everyting to me..normally it takes 6 weeks for a bone to remodel n heal...1 month plus isn't too long gua i assume..Doc gav me a list of prescriptions n i was discharged..

Back home, i officially announced myself as a orang cacat( disabled ppl) :) as i cant move my right shoulder too much...i cant lift my right hand which is quite bad..So, again 10s to PP who dun mind taking k of me...thanks for a billion times...

Thank you for all the concerns from all my friends who send me regard..10q..
i'll heal fast...n grow stronger (bone)...
so next time is i knock other ppl out..instead of me being KO..huahuahua

btw, one thing that pissed me off is that..THE GUY nv apologized to me..nt even asking " R u Okay, bro?"...C'mon dun b such an assXXXx..u used me as a cushion...ended up u r totally FINE..

in hospital, pointing to my swollen right clavicle

Bruises on my head..nw swollen d:(

Fractured right clavicle


i was treated in emergency unit

Pills for Pain relief, inflammation, fever

left hand using right handed mouse

arhhh..without my right hand.everyting is so unconvenient.. :( ...Pls heal fast...i miss u a lot..Damn i actually use 1 hr + to complete this entry. Yes..i can only use my left hand to type bare v me..if we happen to b chatting in msn or wat..:)


Darren said...

get well bro!..

shadowdweller0303 said...

thanks darren..hope to c u in welly if i'm travelling there.

Shir said...

poor thing~
dun b naughty keep moving ur right hand le yo~~

get well n take k ya..

shadowdweller0303 said...

thank you, shirlynn..
my right hand is getting itchy needs exercise!!! :b

Anonymous said...

吓死我!r u ok?

Anonymous said...

Haha...I thought there is a plaster of Paris for me to sign..but abit disappointed when seeing only a sling..haha..wiah u all the best and a speedy recovery!!
must gt well soon!!

shadowdweller0303 said...

bih ing: hehe..i'm least i still survive..

Tracey: LOL..u r in m'sia..if that in the case, u wont be able to sign on it..hehe..too bad for u la..10s for the concern..keke